2 Best Wae Rebo Village Tour Packages

The 2 best Wae Rebo Village tour packages are the options to explore Wae Rebo village in Flores. These tours offer a daily departure from Labuan Bajo. And they are based on private tour arrangements.

Wae Rebo Village is an authentic Manggaran ethnic traditional houses. There are 7 cone houses found in Wae Rebo village. Each house has more than one family. These houses are called Mbaru Niang. Through the Wae Rebo village tour package, you will experience the whole stories about the traditional village.

For the best to explore Wae Rebo, you need to arrange the trip in advance. You may combine the tour with Komodo trips. These way of arragements seems to be the best to explore both of the tourist destinations in Indonesia. It is recomended to start from Labuan Bajo, West Flores.

The 2 Best Wae Rebo Village Tour Packages to Book

A traveling to Wae Rebo Village can be be a hard to plan. Therefore, this page will allow your to know the type of tours to book. These tour packages are based on a private arragement. Each tour package has a different places to visit.

The folowing are the 2 best Wae Rebo village tour packages to book:
  • 2D1N Wae Rebo Village Tour Package. This tour package depart daily from Labuan Bajo, West Flores, Indonesia. You will experinec visiting Melo Village, Lembor rice field, Denge village, Wae Rebo village, and Lingko Lodok Spider Rice Field.
  • 5 Days 4 Nights Komodo Wae Rebo Tour. This tour package is one of the best to explore both destinations in Flores and Komodo National Park.  You will visit Komodo in 3 days 2 nights and then continue to visit Wae Rebo for 2 days and 1 night.

What to Experience in 2D1N Wae Rebo Village Tour Package?

This tour will allow you to experinece nature and culture. You will experinece the highlight cultures of Manggarai ethnic in Flores Island, Indonesia. Beside that you will also enjoy amazing nature in this tour package.

The following are best things to experience during the 2 days 1 night tour package to Wae Rebo village:
  • Visit Melo village. Melo village is located about 15 minute from Labuan Bajo. This village is a place where you can enjoy the view of Labuan Bajo and surround.
  • Visit Lembor rice field. This is the largest rice field in Flores. You will experinece walking through the rice field. In Lembor, you will also stop for lunch in some of the local restaurants.
  • Stop at Denge village and enjoy the view of the rice field and tropical fores surround. On this village, you will get off the car and start the trekking to Wae Rebo village.
  • Experience the authentic houses of Wae Rebo. Stay overnight in one of the traditional houses. You will experience the history of the village and the local life. You will also enjoy the coffee of its village while having sunrise and nejoy the view.
  • Experinece the beautiful view of Lingko Lodok rice filed. This rice files represent the land devide of Manggarai ethnic. You will trek for couple minute to the top point and have sunset on this place.

How to get to Labuan Bajo?

Labuan Bajo is located in the West Flores Island.  It is one of the small town where the tourism is developed well. Labuan Bajo is the maiin gateway to start any activities to Komodo National Park and Flores Islland. It is also the main harbor for ferries crossing to Sape, Sumbawa Island.

The Labuan Bajo is accesable by air, sea, and land. You can get there from Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta, or other cities in Indonesia. Not all the cities in Indonesia has a direct traspoprtatin to Labuan Bajo. You will need to choose any cities that has a direct tranportation.

Here are best recomended ways to get to Labuan Bajo:
  1. Flight from Denpasar, Bali. The flight from Denpasar to Labuan Bajo are frequenly depart. You can choose to go in the morning or afternoon. The flight will take you there in 1 hour.
  2. Boat from Lombok to Komodo and Flores. This is a tour package wich take 4 days and 3 nights. You will visit Sumbawa island, Komodo National Park, and will end in Labuan Bajo, Flores.
  3. A big ship from Bali. PELNI is one of the best tranportation from Bali. This big ship depart twice a month. You can check a schedule direct to the harbor in Benoa, Bali.
  4. Ferry from Lombok. The ferry from Lombok will take approximatelly 26 hours. This will combine with the bus from Sumbawa Island to Sape harbor. And then from Sape, you will take a ferry to Labuan Bajo for 6 hours.

These abaove are recomended to get to Labuan Bajo. However, the best way to get there by flight from Bali. This is a much easy way compare to the other ways. The flight from other cities in Indonesia are also frequently depart daily. You can fly from Surabaya or Jakarta.

Visit also page: Komodo Boat Tour Packages from Labuan Bajo.

The best Time to Visit Wae Rebo Village

Indonesia has two seasons in a year. The rainy season and the dry season. The dry season is coming from April to September and the rainy season is coming from October to March.

Flores Island is part of Indonesia. The seasons is the same as other places in Indonesia. However, the raining is not happen at the same time to all the places in Inonesia. But it happen a lot from October to March.

Visiting Wae Rebo village is best to do during the rainy season, from April to September. However, you can also do the tour in part of the rainy season. You can go touring in October, December, and March during the rainy season. These time are best to see the forest looks greener and you will much relaxing and enjoy lable.

For the best travel experience, it is advisable for your to know all the information before decided to book a trip to Flores. You can ask recomendation from the tour operator or online travel agency. This is the best way to start your trip to Wae Rebo village.

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